Is Your Office Safe for Reopening?

Is Your Office Safe for Reopening?
1 July
Tags: post covid facility management

India recently set a world record for daily vaccinations given—with such a vaccination momentum, employers are expecting to bring their employees back to the office within a few months. However, the offices must be safe for the workforce’s safe return after the pandemic, and here’s a short guide on how business owners and managers can verify if their workspace is safe.

Addressing the Hesitancy

Despite the best precautions and vaccinations, the workforce is expected to be hesitant, especially considering the rise in mutant strains of the coronavirus. Hence, the first step in ensuring that the office is safe for reopening is addressing this hesitancy. The business owners can do so by fostering trust in the workforce by carrying out various tasks, like hiring a competent post pandemic facility management team and being transparent about the safety protocols and operations.

Verifying the Health of the Office

An essential addition to building trust, and ensuring the employees’ well-being, is verifying the health of the building. Here, employers need to adopt new SOPs to meet the latest demands of safety and health with their post pandemic facility management.

The first of such SOPs is optimising the HVAC system of the building, which is one of the primary safety concerns of the employees since it circulates air within the building. The management must carry out a thorough inspection, service, and cleaning of the HVAC system. It would be ideal if the HVAC system is also upgraded to have better ventilation and filters to ensure more efficiency and hygiene.

Another crucial aspect of health verification is implementing upgraded housekeeping protocols, including regular sanitisation and cleaning of the premises, eco-friendly cleaning agents, visible hygiene signboards around the office, etc. This is the ensure that the office surfaces are free of infectious agents while building trust amongst the workforce.

The management must also focus on security and space management. Only authorized employees must be allowed to enter the premises, and even they must be screened for infection at the gateways. As for space management, the management must work out ways to reduce crowding within the office, especially in areas like the pantry, doorways, reception, etc., which are high traffic areas.

Promoting Health and Well-Being

If the right steps are taken, as mentioned above, the management will inadvertently promote the health and well-being of the workforce. Yet, they must always keep the health of the employees as a priority. To make this easier, they must work with competent facility managers who are well-adept to handle the current office management needs.

Unify has been serving clients across the country during the pandemic and has the expertise to make offices safe for employees. Let us take over the trouble of ensuring the health of your office, so you can focus on strategic business. Give us a call to know more about our post pandemic facility management services.
